Just hard work and real results

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

WTF Fitness Infomercial

I've been around the fitness industry for quite a few years now. Through experience I've seen many trainers time and time again sell over priced fitness gadgets that give consumers false hopes of 'Six Pack ABS!,' 'Lean & Toned look' with a 'SLENDER WAIST!' Unfortunately, today's society loves to be sold on "magic pill" items and dumps money into any short cut to fitness success. Like a pyramid scheme they build you up and promise you the world, only for you to commit financially and get nothing in return, but WITHOUT FURTHER DUE, through out all the tacky, corny, straight out stupid WTF fitness gadgets, this one is the ULTIMATE FITNESS WTF!?

Hilarious Shake Weight Exercise for Women -

Friday, September 11, 2009


Through out the summer, many people have been busting their ass here at the gym under Revamp Body Fitness (RBF). From 3 to 4 times each week, these individuals have shown desire, perseverance and hard work. All of this due to their own willingness to get where they want to be, to accomplish their goal they have set out to do since June or even earlier. With their hard work and motivation, RBF was able to  help these tenacious individuals get to where they are now. Client's results is the sole passion of RBF. Through each and every one of these accomplishments done by each member, RBF becomes more motivated into helping others to achieve their own goals. The following clients have performed beyond even their own expectations, making every second of every session count. Read more to see some ,but not all, of those who are getting closer, if not already at, their goal.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


ARE YOU SERIOUS!? -_-......