Just hard work and real results

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 Excuses people make to avoid exercise

5) I’m Lazy

This is a very common one. People will claim it, even if it sounds like they’re giving up before they can even start. Movement to people of the Information Age is seen as such a hassle. Why walk when I can drive, why take the stairs when there’s an elevator, why stand when I can sit. True, people claim to be lazy in that sense, but are they TRULY LAZY? If they were really lazy, why do they work to make money? Why do they have relationships? Why do they go out and party? All these things require some sort of effort and work. How can one say “I’m Lazy” when they do a variety of things in life that actually do require some effort?

4) Its too Hard

Nothing is too hard. Just the thought of exercise makes people think of strenuous workouts they always see through the media. How can one know it’s too hard when they haven’t even tried it? If they have tried and thought it was hard, have they thought of just toning it down where it’s easy enough for them to do, instead of just not doing it at all? It doesn’t matter about the difficulty level, as long as you are moving. When you’re just moving, you’re still burning calories, and with that, you are actually….*gasp* EXERCISING!

3) “I’ll always be Fat!”

If one thinks like this, then it will be true. Truth of the matter is, people are afraid of change, whether it is good or bad. It’s not so much fear of the change itself, but the process of changing that scares them. In order to lose weight, one has to watch what they eat, exercise, ultimately stay consistent and work hard. Staying consistent and working hard at it are two things that make the foundation of commitment. In the end, it’s which commitment do they make. If one is constantly making up excuses like “I’ll always be Fat!” they are committed in being fat. On the other hand, if one is constantly working hard physically and watching what they eat with no excuses accepted, they have committed them

selves in improving their health. Everyone knows which the better commitment is, but it also happens to be the harder path. If its too hard, it may appear scary, and that’s why with some assistance, like working out with a group of friends, one can get there easier.

2) No money to join a gym

When people think exercise, they automatically think “gym.” Gyms do require monthly memberships; some are more expensive than others. To have a personal trainer, or attend a group class is another charge to one’s wallet. With today’s economy, people are cutting down expenses. By this, they cancel memberships, discontinue with their Personal Trainers, and or stop coming to the group classes because they are seen as “expendable” and “unnecessary.” What I find funny is hearing the same people say “I just bought a new PS3 game!,” or “Lets go out to eat,” or “I’m planning on getting a new phone,” or “I just got this new shirt!” I can go on and on, but one can get the point. People don’t really see it, but people do have money, its just how they handle it. With money, people usually want instant gratification right when they spend it (i.e. I want to use the Ipod, I buy the Ipod, I use the Ipod). With things that involve a longer term of reward, or delayed gratification, such as losing 20 lbs, people aren’t willing to spend much if they’re not going to get their “fast results.” Yes, there are those who need to pay bills and feed mouths, but how long can that last if one has poor health. What makes more sense, spending $150 on some nice ass shoes, or $150 on your health?

1) No Time

People say they have no time for exercise. Everyone is so busy with their lives, especially during this information age that they can’t set aside even 20 minutes of doing something physically active. Let me lay out a typical day for a “busy” Person. Wake Up, Rush by driving to work, work work work, drive somewhere to lunch cause its only a half an hour to an hour, drive back to work, work work work, go do some other busy stuff, which usually involves driving, go home, eat, sleep and do it all over again. One can get the point, but if its not work, it school, if its not school its hanging out with friends or family, whatever it may be, there’s just no time for exercise. What people fail to see is that, its not that they don’t have time, they just chose to make time for those specific things and prioritize them over others; which is understandable. All one needs to stay active, however, is just 20 minutes a day 4 times a week. That’s all. That’s like 2 days through the weekdays and the weekend. There’s always time, its just how you handle it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Quality vs. Quantity

Good job to both group classes who have made it through the initial phases of the program. For those of you who have trained with me before, the program that is implied this year will be even tougher. The workouts everyone will be going through will be focused on basic movements done at medium to high intensity for the first 4 weeks. Quality of each work out is the important factor and will be very emphasized on as everyone executes each exercise. It doesn't matter if you can do 20 push-ups straight, or do 10 pull ups in a row; what I'm looking for is if you do each rep of those push-ups at full range, going all the way the down where your nose almost hits the ground, and all the way up with both arms at full extension, and whether or not you're doing those pull-ups starting off with your arms straight and pulling your chin pass the bar and going all the way back down. If one ignores these factors of a workout (which they normally do on their own) then one cannot experience the full affect of that specific exercise plan. That full affect is what amplifies one's abilities, thus giving them the strength & skills to attain their goals at a manageable and desirable rate. With that, I encourage those who seem to be struggling to keep pushing it. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, because it is that very fear that prevents people in realizing their true potential.

Just a few reminders
  • Good job again everyone, I am very excited in seeing what everyone can and will do to accomplish their goals by the end of march.
  • Next class is Monday 1/12 @ 7pm(Ladies), 8pm(Guys)
  • For those who may be still interested and would want to check it out feel free to click on the Main site Link to inquire more information or contact me at Art.PT30@Gmail.com

Sunday, January 4, 2009


To start off this new year, Revamp Body Fitness will be starting its Revamp Your Body Fitness program for 2009. This program will go from January 5th, 2009 to March 31st 2009. The initial week will be emphasizing on assessment, program details and finding out where you stand health wise.

After the initial week, you will then start the 12 week training phase where the trainer will work along side yourself and others to help enhance
  • Body composition
  • Performance
  • Overall Health & Fitness
Through out the 12 week training program, a fitness challenge will also be taking place. The trainer will note changes in body fat and body performance. These 2 categories will then be combined and evaluated to determine the winner. In order to win, the person must have
  • Most body fat lost relative to body weight
  • Most improved performance relative to starting point.
There will be a men's class and a woman's class. Schedules are as follows.

  • Monday & Tuesday during the evenings.
  • Saturday & Sunday during the mornings.
Times will be posted at the end of this week, however the INITIAL training ASSESSMENT DAYS and PROGRAM INFORMATION will be on

  • Monday January 5th 2009 @ 7 PM for the Guys
  • Tuesday January 6th 2009 @ 6 PM for the Ladies
Classes cap out at only 10 members each! Where comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle! Lets start this New Year right by accomplishing what you set out to do for 2009!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 The year of the Trainer

A new year, a new light, a new beginning. Today is the day where people can have a new beginning and redefine their goals and reasons. For those of you who want to make a new beginning, to make this year a time of redemption, it is a prime moment to make this 1st day of the year count. Whether it be work, school or health related, let the positive overcome the negative and let this time around be a time of commitment and accomplishment, not procrastination and disappointment. This is what a trainer helps with with people who are in need of betterment in their health and life style. That is why to me, this is the year of the trainer, the year for us as professionals to rise above the negative and help pull our clients with us so they can achieve the goals they set out to do. It is only through their accomplishment and reward that helps a trainer finally see the light of success. For those of you who want to make a new beginning, to make this year a time of redemption, it is a prime moment to make this 1st day of the year count.