Just hard work and real results

Monday, January 18, 2010


New Year! Same trend. People always tend to be determined at the beginning of the year to LOSE WEIGHT. They say such things such as "IMMA LOSE 50lbs by MARCH!" or " IMMA GET RIPPED NOW!" or "IMMA TOTALLY DOING 100 SIT UPS A DAY TO GET THAT SIX PACK!"

I'm all for starting on the right foot, however don't stop there! The trend is that hella (a lot) people sign up for these things in January and then quit in March because "It's not working." People usually say "I have no time for the gym," "Having a trainer is too expensive," ," This Fitness class is not working!"

Don't Give Up On Yourself!
Don't Be a Trend!
Don't be a FAIL

Don't be LAZY!

Everyone is capable of getting to their goals. It all comes down to this final question



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