Just hard work and real results

Monday, March 8, 2010


Creatine can be found in every supplemental store around the nation. It is very popular among athletes for one reason--it works. Unlike many other supplements marketed to the masses, creatine is the only proven ergogenic to improve human performance.

To put it basically, creatine's purpose in the body is to provide energy to your cells, especially those that make up your skeletal muscles. Creatine is naturally synthesized within the body through amino acids. With supplemental creatine, this gives extra energy available to use for the cells.

Studies have shown that creatine help improve strength, and some may also claim that it improves endurance.

More energy available = More energy to use during weightlifting = Higher training Intensity =
More Results

HOWEVER, just because you utilize creatine doesn't automatically mean you will be Superman. Do not bank on this supplement to get you to the peak of your performance. One needs to put in the hard work in their own training in order to see the optimum results of supplementing creatine. Once you stop using creatine, that "extra" boost of strength and size may also decrease.

The extra size people tend to put on is simply due to the influx of water into the muscle because of the extra supplmentation of creatine. Because of this, the only time creatine should be taken is AFTER YOUR WORKOUT. Taking creatine before your work out will induce water into the muscle, limiting the amount of water available to other bodily organs. Always remember to stay hydrated in general, but especially while taking creatine.

Up to 20 grams of creatine were used in many studies proving the effectiveness of the ergogenic. Studies have also determined that the body can only digest 5 to 10 grams at a time, so don't take a lot at once. However, there are some creatine calculators out there for those who really want to know how much they should take. This amount may be a safe daily amount to take, however it is not wise to take more than what was studied with.

If you are a High School Athlete who wants to be on creatine to become stronger and faster than your peers, just stop. From my experience, you do not need to be spending money (or your parents money) on performance enhancing supplements, when your body is still growing. Many high school athlete will roll their eyes at me when I say this, but its true.

The teenage athlete's body is still growing with limitless potential at that stage in life, and if they just do the work and train hard, they can exceed even their own expectations. I have former football teammates who use to be on creatine day in and day out, all I really did was eat a lot after work outs, and to this day I still have more strength than they'll ever attain.

Be smart with supplements, especially creatine. Don't shell out hella cash for those "Special Formulated" ones. Creatine Monohydrate is the best form of creatine and one can get it at Longs drugs or Wal-mart. They're pretty cheap. So with that train hard and be smart!


John P. said...

Right on Austin! Great job getting up your site, lookin good! John Heringer

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