Just hard work and real results

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Overcoming Adveristy

This past Thursday before I went jogging with my girlfriend, I parked my car in front of a play ground where kids were playing, people were walking their dogs and old couples were walking around. Right after our aerobic bout of exercise, we came to see my driver side window shattered, my cellphone and wallet missing from my middle compartment, and nothing else ( no it was not visible).

My girls purse was in the trunk, however they couldn't get to it cause the dumbass thought my hood release was the lever to open it. Guess he fled quickly cause we got back after just 30 minutes. This happened in day light in front of a the Berryessa Community Center. I called in all my debit & credit cards and disconnected my phone within minutes of seeing this with the help of some bystanders. However no one SAW anything -_-.

So there I was, no debit card, no drivers license, no cell phone, no credit card, no driver side window and a whole bunch of glass to clean up. Even with this I still asked my lady to take me to work after I drove my car to her house cause I still had to train people. Seriously that's how much I love my job.

The next day I managed to get a new window, new driver license issued, new debit card ordered, and a new cell phone with the help of my Love Jozelle and her Dad Uncle Joe, my Dad, and my clients Aris and Blake. Within 24 hours I was back on my feet and still moving forward.

What I am trying to emphasize is that adversity can hit you randomly, and how a person reacts towards times of great affliction defines who they really are.

Whether it be a car broken into, lost your job, failed a class, whatever obstacles you may face, there IS always a light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing that can prevent you from getting to that light and moving forward is yourself.

I see this time and time again with people wanting to lose weight, increase performance, rehab an injury, whatever it may be, when people are faced with obstacles they just shut down. Excuses start coming up on why they can't achieve what they want to achieve.

Not enough time, not enough money, too lazy, too tired, too busy, whatever the excuses is, its THE PERSON who creates them, not the JOB, not the SEDUCTIVE LOOKING FOOD, not the SLEEP, not the BANK ACCOUNT.....


One stops themselves from getting where they WANT to be may be because negative thinking is so abundant not only in person but through media, society & internet. F*CK that noise. 

Fly with the eagles, not the chickens (quote inspired by Aris Austria).

Don't let other people put you down. Don't let anyone say you CAN'T. As corny as it may sound its the truth.
If one hangs out with people who think negative, well one too will think negative. If one hangs out with people who believe in everything is possible and are very supportive, well then you will think the same way. 

KNOW where you are going to be in the future, whether it be a graphic designer, hip hop dancer, doctor, nurse, photographer, trainer, fire fighter, engineer, whatever it may be just go out and do it and don't let those people who say "Its a highly competitive job so its HARD to get in. There's not much money in that, how are you going to live? Only a handful of people can be really good at it, what makes you think you can do it?" stop you.

When people saw me cleaning glass from my car in the parking lot, some didn't care, some just felt sorry, and a few actually offered to help. I could have felt sorry for my self. There are those I know who may think "That's what you get for leaving your stuff in there." or those one uppers who say "Well MY car got jacked a few months ago and couldn't drive to work for a week." 

How are those things going to help my situation? They're not. The only way was when I asked myself "F*ck it, what can I do to get back on my feet and still train my clients, build my business, take out my girl and get work done for school all by tomorrow?" and actually came up with several steps to get to where I wanted to be.

I pulled everything together within 24 hours, and that is what happens with positive thinking.

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Don't ever think a Pro athlete, a CEO of a company, a Doctor, a Lawyer or whoever may be better than you. You can do just as much as they can, you just have to know you can.

"Success is not measured by dollar signs, but by harmony & happiness."

They all shit like the rest of us. They all breathe like the rest of us. They are human, and so are you. ANY person is capable of limitless possibilities. Sure there may have been some detours along the road, but when one door closes, another door opens. The problem is that some people tend to stop looking for that newly open door and wonder aimlessly through the hallway. That's what happens when one gives up.

Don't ever give up, especially on yourself.

"It doesn't matter how slow you move, as long as you never stop."


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