Just hard work and real results

Thursday, May 20, 2010

3 things to eat before finals

As I am taking my last set of finals before I expand my fitness empire, there are a few things I would like to share with my starving student peers that may be beneficial towards the effort in conquering finals =D!


Caffeine has been proven to increase alertness and keep us awake. It is no wonder that college students drink gallons of it, having hopes of staying up studying and remembering everything. First of all, sleep is key to help improve memory. The best time to take caffeine is around 90 minutes before one takes a test. Studies show that it takes full effect around that time.

Water & Electrolytes

If you are still gonna load up on coffee & energy drinks, remember that it is a diuretic, which means it will excrete water and electrolytes from your body. If you don't take in enough water as it is, then this is going to give you one massive head ache. So intake plenty of water along with some electrolytes. This will also help your body function properly as a whole, including the brain.


Your brain uses glucose for energy. The brain will usually ONLY use glucose for energy. So make sure you get some in you during studying and right before you take that final. Do not overdue it by eating a big order of french fries or one whole length of a french baguette.

These three things may help during the last weeks of finals. If you have read up to here, you either have finals coming up, or actually have one tomorrow. SO GET BACK TO STUDYING!


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