Just hard work and real results

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5 Steps closer to that Summer Body

Step 1: Make the Decision

 Decide whether or not if you are ready to really make a change. One has to realize that they will not be the same and the end result will be different when deciding to change. If one wants change, one has to decide to make it happen.

Step 2: Commit to Change

 It's not something that will happen over night, however people expect the total opposite. It needs to be realized that one cannot lose weight at a fast rate and still be healthy. Do not listen to those "Lose 7lbs in 7 days" headliners, cause its dangerous to do so. It will take a long process to lose fat, gain lean body mass and build self confidence, but if one commits to their decision to change, the results are bound to happen. It doesn't matter how slow you move, as long as you never stop.

Step 3: Follow Through

Do not half ass anything. From work outs, to eating, everything must be on point. Focus on the end result. Every little thing counts, from every rep, every step, every calorie, every second on your journey. These will all add up to your final result, whatever it may be.

Step 4: Adjust
 Life happens, and when it happens, it happens HARD. Its not the end of the world. Adjust accordingly. If it's missing a work out or two or eating differently, as long as you adjust accordingly and stay on track. This basically reinforces steps 2 and 3. 

Step 5: Be YOU! Not THEM!

The media really distorts the image of the "perfect" body by displaying people who are on the extreme ends of the fitness spectrum. They misguide society's view of the "perfect body." It is like saying "I want Jennifer Anistons arms! Arnold's Pecs!! I want Kim Kardashian's booty!" You are NOT them, you are YOU! At the end of the day, be the better you. If you give up, you give up on yourself, and no matter who you are you do not deserve that.

These 5 steps have to happen within each and every person who has a desire to accomplish anything. When all 5 steps occur, this is what happens: 




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