Just hard work and real results

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


What an absurd notion! How can one accomplish one thing on a method that is at the total opposite?

In today's society however, it is a common solution to MILLIONS of people who claim these work outs are "THE BEST THING I EVER DID." P90X and Insanity are among the popular ones. Why? There must be a reason why such a massive amount of people are influenced by people working out on T.V. to fast paced music! From my observations, I have concluded the three key factors that have made these Fitness DVD programs house hold names.

  • Convenience
People can do it in their own homes, before or after work. Before lunch, after dinner. Whatever it may be, people can just play the DVD or even watch it on their iPods. 
  • Learn on the go
People don't have to think to do the work outs. Humans are visual learners and learn by mimicking the movements they see. 
  • Community
Countless people swear by this program and claim that this is THE BEST PROGRAM EVER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD AND NOTHING COMPARES TO IT EVER! No joke.

I know I may have a sarcastic tone towards this whole phenomenon, since I am a Strength Trainer and from a business perspective programs like these may "take business away," however my approach to such a movement is for different reasons.

 Every time I hear someone say "DUDE! P90X ROCKS!" or "DO INSANITY MAN! ITS GREAT!" it just makes me cringe. This Sickens me.

The already fit people also claim that "THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME PRODUCT EVER!" since it takes them to the "next level." Well, it did because you LET it.

To buy into something thinking you will get to the end result by following the program specifically when in reality the results are not typical is kind of like gambling.

"But its not gambling Austin, I saw results too and its a killer work out! My other homie lost weight too! ITS INTENSE"

Well good for you, but can you guarantee me that after 90 days you can keep that "perfect" body?  If you can, GOOD FOR YOU, that's awesome.

"I can mix and match the DVD set after 90 days and I can maintain it!"

Unfortunately for many others, its not the same case. Time and time again I see people slowly gain it back.  It's kind of sad cause these people really worked hard, but since their is no real follow up, people kind of hit a wall.

Bottom line, if one goes from doing minimal activity on a daily basis to EXTREME INTENSE DESTROY YOURSELF WORK OUTS ever day, yes, they will see definite results no questions asked. Maintaining the results is another story which few hear less of.

Be practical. Just stay active and watch your eating no matter what your doing. You do not have to kill yourself. Gradually changing one's lifestyle for the better can lead to real results lasting a life time.

And for those of you who feel like you are a bad ass doing these "insane" work outs, you're not, sorry. Why? Because there is always someone better than you out there doing something else to a higher degree, and they probably aren't watching a DVD. Don't do it for the ego trip, do it to help yourself.

My message here is that people can empower themselves to do anything they set their mind to, and they don't need some annoying guy on a DVD to help them do that.


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