Just hard work and real results

Friday, February 19, 2010

2 Major Movements that separate the Men from the Boys.

When I train clients who have a goal to gain more lean body mass, their program will always have the Deadlift and Squat movements incorporated in it. To me, these movements are very important for anyone to know when engaging an exercise program.

These lifts are BIG lifts and BIG movements. They require more muscles to be used in order to execute the movement. These movements demand your whole body to work together in order to perform the movement flawlessly. The key thing is that studies show an increase of testosterone produced within the body after performing these lifts, which help aid in lean body mass gain, fat reduction and increases in bone density.

It is unfortunate that many guys don't perform these movements. When I work out at some commercial gyms, there are only 2 lifting plat forms (Squat racks, Deadlifting platforms, etc.) at most and 10 Bench presses. What a waste of space. Most guys want to get that buff muscle look that is optimally shredded however go about it the wrong way.

Every guy wants to work on the cool stuff first. God forbid doing a lower body exercise; chest, abs and arms is where its at! Just stop. This is why sometimes I find it hard to work out at some gyms, because there are too many people doing the wrong things.

As a strength trainer I WANT TO HELP THEM, however I don't want to be a douche and go "Hey umm, I see you're trying to gain muscle, so why don't you stop Benching your ass off and work on your chicken legs." It's not my place because it's not MY gym. People who have trained with me know I take lower body movements seriously, especially the lumbo-pelvic-hip region. Ask anyone who I have trained, I always made sure they learned a proper squat and a proper deadlift.

Below I will display 2 daily work outs. One will be of a typical workout you may see at a commercial gym of guys always do day in and day out to gain muscle mass and the other will be similar to what I prescribe my clients who want to gain lean body mass.

Typical Day 1

5 minutes of "cardio"

Bench Press 3 X 10 (15min) 5 minute each set (30 seconds of actual lifting, 4:30 of "resting")

Incline Bench Press
3 X 10 (15min) (30 seconds of actual lifting, 4:30 of "resting")

Decline Bench Press 3 X 10 (15min) (30 seconds of actual lifting, 4:30 of "resting")

Arm Curls 3 X 12 (15min) (30 seconds of actual lifting, 4:30 of "resting")

Tricep Extensions 3 X 12 (15min) (30 seconds of actual lifting, 4:30 of "resting")

10 minutes of "cardio"

Total elapsed time: 1 hour 30 minutes. (22:30 minutes of actual activity, 67:30 minutes of "resting" and by "resting" I mean watching TV, texting, or just waiting too long).

(Don't get me wrong, this typical day one work out may look similar to a basic chest and arms day for a bodybuilder, however bodybuilders do NOT do this same work out EVERDAY. They do split routines and a specific progressive program where they hit each body part in a certain way including LEGS. The intensity they train at far exceeds those who try to imitate their programs. Their rest periods are way shorter than the perceived time on this current example. I stress that I see many guys, some who are good friends of mine, do this same work out 3 to 4 times a week at HALF the intensity and THAT'S NOT GOOD.)

Prescribed Day 1

Static to Dynamic stretching of major muscle groups (Arm circles, Quad pulls, Glute Twists, Body squats, High Knees, Butt kickers, Ankle circles, Calf raises) all with body weight. (10 min)

Deadlifts (or Squats) 4 X 12,10,8,6 (8 minutes) 2 min each set (30 seconds of lifting, 90 seconds of rest)

Bench Press 4 X 12,10,8,6 (8 minutes) 2 min each set (30 seconds of lifting, 90 seconds of rest)

Overhead Press 3 X 10,8,6 (6 minutes) 2 min each set (30 seconds of lifting, 90 seconds of rest)

Pull-Ups 3 X 10,8,6 (6 minutes) 2 min each set (30 seconds of lifting, 90 seconds of rest)

Cool Down static stretches (Samson stretch, groin stretch, Pec stretch, Lat stretch, Glute and piriformis stretch, stc.) 10 min

Total elapsed time: 48 minutes (27 minutes of actual activity, 21 minutes of recovery time).

The difference is in the efficiency of the work outs. Typical work out one only focused on the Pecs, triceps and biceps for an hour and a half, with most of it being rest.

The prescribed work out worked most of the primary movers, which were the glutes, pecs, lats, quads, as well as secondary movers and stabilizers such as the deltoids, triceps, biceps, forearms, teres minor and major, transverse abdominus, you get the picture. We basically got more down in a shorter amount of time.

ALL IN NUT SHELL, its the quality of the work outs. Don't focus on upper body so much! Lower body work outs are very important, which is why Deadlifts and Squats are crucial to making gains. To learn these 2 major movements properly, please ask a professional trainer for assistance. I understand there are magazines and videos people can watch and learn from, but it is SAFER to learn in person and know exactly what to do on the spot instead of trying to learn on the fly and then hurting your back or blowing out your knee.


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