Just hard work and real results

Thursday, February 4, 2010


From years of training, I've had various clients. Out of the masses, I have identified 2 types of people who a trainer will undertake; the one who quits on themselves, and the one who will strive to succeed. People may argue that there are grey parts in this black and white metaphor, however at the end of the day one either tried or quit.

Those who have given it everything they had, and took the training program seriously show it. I will be displaying those I have helped surpass even their OWN expectations. Their accomplishments are 100% them, which is the awesome part! All I did was provide them a plan and some tools and they did all of the work! Because of their success, my job as a trainer is just that much more complete =)!

This person below kicked ASS every work out. He parties a shit load, however some how he managed to lock down his eating habits and progressed in the strength program 3 times a week.


                  MARCH 2008

                    AUGUST 2008


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