Just hard work and real results

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Burning Calories

Ever wondered what you would need to do to burn off that Big Mac you just ate? What type of workout you may need to do to eliminate that burrito you just had, or how many miles to run in order to burn off some french fries?

The average person should be consuming 2000 to 2500 calories a DAY in order to maintain or lose weight depending on what activities they are doing.

The KEY to losing weight is controlling what YOU EAT! NO EXCUSES. You want it that "six pack", that "slender look," well excuses ain't gonna get you their. Its DISCIPLINE, HARD WORK, and CONSISTENCY.

Eating right and being active will make losing weight easy. EATING WRONG will just make things just THAT MUCH Harder....

By making a few adjustments towards foods you may eat everyday, the fight for weight loss may not be so hard in the long run. 

[Exercises based on average woman weight (160lbs) and average man weight (190lbs) which means if you are lighter, you may need to ADD MORE to the workout.]

Lets start with a number 1 at McD's
BIG MAC (540cals), Medium Fries (380cals), Medium Coke (210cals) = 1130 calories 

To Burn 1130 Calories= A WOMAN may need to do 2 hours and 20 minutes of High impact Aerobics. A MAN may need to Run 7.5 miles in 45 minutes.

Make these adjustments to reduce the calories
BIG MAC w/out cheese and onions (490cals), Small Fries (230cals), Medium Diet Coke (0cals) = 720 calories

You just cut out 410 calories which equals to a MAN doing moderate push-ups for 60 minutes straight, or a WOMAN jumping rope for 45 minutes.

How about a Venti White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks

Venti sized (20oz) of White Chocolate Moca= 580 Calories just for ONE DRINK!?

To Burn 580 Calories= A WOMAN may need to Rock climb for 45 minutes straight. A MAN may need to Weight lift for 2 hours straight.

Make these adjustments to reduce the calories

Tall (12oz) Nonfat milk, No whip White Chocolate Moca= 270 Calories.

You just cut out 310 Calories which equals to a MAN swimming moderately for 40 minutes or a WOMAN playing intense Rugby for 25 minutes.

More to come in the future, but for now, let this be a little reality check. Today's society has a busy lifestyle, which may result in choosing more convenient foods. However, it does not mean we can't make smarter choices. It's all about portion control.

I don't believe in any diets because they just don't work. I believe in my clients to just eat right and make smarter choices, because once they get that down, everything else is EASY.


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